
Revision as of 04:22, 24 February 2014 by Devika (talk | contribs)

  • is the initial cost.
  • is the salvage which is the value of the asset.
  • is the life of the number of periods.
  • is the number of periods.


  • This function gives the depreciation of an asset for a given time period based on the sum-of-years digits depreciation method.
  • In SYD(c,s,l,p), c is the original cost of the asset.
  • s is the salvage value after the asset has been fully depreciated.
  • l is the useful life of the asset or the number of periods that you will be depreciating the asset, p is the period that you wish to calculate the depreciation for.
  • SYD is calculated as follows:

  where   is the cost,  is the salvage,  is the period and   is the life.

  • This function will give the result as error when
  1. Any one of the argument is nonnumeric.
  3.l or p<=0
  4.p is greater than l.


  1. =SYD(25000,2800,7,1) = 5550
  2. =SYD(50000,9000,15,3) = 4441.6666667
  3. =SYD(42500,6850,6,3) = 6790.47619047