Revision as of 06:35, 2 February 2021 by Swapna (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= RENDER 3D EXAMPLES WITH ISSUES = // extrude testing heart // did not work or moved into another one RENDER3D( [ ["type" , "settings" , "coordinates", "size" , "stroke...")
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// extrude testing heart

// did not work or moved into another one

RENDER3D( [ ["type" , "settings" , "coordinates", "size" , "stroke" , "fill", "helper", "material","extrude" ], ["heart" , , [[1,3,3],[2,3,3],[3,2,1]] ,[50,50,50] , 0x00ff00 , "yellow" ,false , "phong", [ ["extrudePath"], [[[1,2,0],[2,2,3],[3,3,0]]] ] ] ] );""

Test Comments : Not Working

// did not work

RENDER3D( [ ["type" , "settings" , "coordinates", "size" , "stroke" , "fill", "helper", "material"], ["curve" ,"helix", ,[1,1,1] , 0x00ff00 , "yellow" ,false , "phong" ] ] );""

Test Comments : Working (Output does not change with change in material e.g standard, normal etc.)

// visible and invisible object - marking objects to be invisible

RENDER3D( [ ["type" , "settings" , "coordinates", "size" , "stroke" , "fill", "helper", "material","visible"], ["knot" ,"tre", ,[10,1,1] , 0x00ff00 , "yellow" ,false , "phong",false], ["knot" ,"viv", ,[10,1,1] , 0x00ff00 , "red" ,false , "phong",true] ] );""

Test Comments : Working (Does not work/change if the property is changed to ‘invisible’ for flags ‘true’ or ‘false) Image: trefoil_vivian_2.png

// with audio

RENDER3D( [ ["type" , "settings" , "coordinates", "size" , "stroke" , "fill", "helper", "material" ], ["audio" ,"../threefull/examples/sounds/376737_Skullbeatz___Bad_Cat_Maste.ogg" , [1,3,3] ,[["loop","volume"],[true,0.8]] , 0x00ff00 , "yellow" ,false , "phong"], ["sphere" , , [1,3,3] ,[5,20,20] , 0x00ff00 , "yellow" ,false , "phong"] ] );""

Test Comments: Working (but audio does not stop even though the output window is closed and also even if the command interface window is closed. Need to close/refresh the zprod window itself)

// with positional audio

RENDER3D( [ ["type" , "settings" , "coordinates", "size" , "stroke" , "fill", "helper", "material" ], ["audio" ,"../threefull/examples/sounds/376737_Skullbeatz___Bad_Cat_Maste.ogg" , [1,3,3] ,[["loop","volume","type","refdistance"],[true,0.8,"positional",20]] , 0x00ff00 , "yellow" ,false , "phong"], ["sphere" , , [1,3,3] ,[5,20,20] , 0x00ff00 , "yellow" ,false , "phong"] ] );""

Test Comments: Working (but audio does not stop even though the output window is closed and also even if the command interface window is closed. Need to close/refresh the zprod window itself)