Yurttas/PL/SL/perl/F/02/04/index page

Dr. Salih Yurttas - yurttas@zcubes.com
programming languages - design principles, implementation constructs

  1. perl language fundamentals

    1. unary, binary operators

operator precedence

 associativity   arity   precedence class 
none            0       terms and list opeartors(leftward)
left            2       ->
none            1       ++ --
right           2       **
right           1       ! ~ \ and unary + and -
left            2       =~ !~
left            2       * / % x
left            2       + - .
left            2       << >>
right           0,1     named unary oprators
none            2       < > <= >= lt gt le ge
none            2       == != <=> eq ne cmp
left            2       &
left            2       | ^
left            2       &&
left            2       ||
none            2       .. ...
right           3       ?:
right           2       = += -+ *= and so on
left            2       , =>
right           0+      list operators(rightward)
right           1       not
left            2       and
left            2       or xor

perl overview << 2 >> subroutines | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12