Manuals/calci/Select 3D Effects

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Apply 3D Settings to shapes and text.

1. Create different shapes and write text using the Shapes mode.

2. Select a particular shape that needs to be modified. Select the '3D Settings' icon and select the Extrusion depth, 3D color, 3D Type, Rotation angle and the light settings to apply the effect to the selected shape.

3. To apply the 3D effects on multiple shapes, select  the desired shapes. Then select the '3D Settings' mode and modify the various settings including Extrusion Depth, 3D Color, Type, Rotation Angle, Light to apply the effect on the selected shapes.

4. To apply the 3D effects on multiple shapes and text, select  the desired shapes and text. Then select the '3D Settings' mode and modify the various settings including Extrusion Depth, 3D Color, Type, Rotation Angle, Light to apply the effect on the selected shapes and text.

5. To create a shape or a text with pre-defined 3D settings. To create a shape or text with pre-defined 3D settings, select the 'Easy Color Pick' mode and click on the preferred scheme. Then select the Shapes mode and draw the desired shape with the selected pre-defined effect.

Note: Stroke settings and Easy Color pick scheme cane be used to add additional effects.