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OCT2HEX(number, places)

  • Where is an octal number to be converted and
  • is the number of characters to be used to display the output.

OCT2HEX() converts an octal number to its hexadecimal equivalent.


OCT2HEX(number, places)

For Example,

OCT2HEX(300,4) returns 00C0

OCT2HEX(23,5.5) returns 000013

OCT2HEX(777,3) returns 1FF

  • The can be upto 9 digits. The most significant bit is the sign bit and remaining bits are magnitude bits.
  • If the is negative, Calci ignores the places and returns a 7 digit hexadecimal number.

Need to check the input and output limits after next release

  • If the is not an integer, Calci displays an #NUM! error message.
  • If the is an invalid octal number, Calci displays an #NUM! error message.
  • argument can be omitted. Calci displays the hexadecimal output with minimum number of characters necessary.
  • is used for padding the output with leading '0's'.
  • Calci ignores the , if the output is more than mentioned 'places'.
  • If is non-numeric or negative, Calci displays an error message.
  • If is not an integer, Calci truncates the 'places' value.
  • A number preceding with '0' (e.g. 0377) should be written in text format ("0377") to avoid confusion with hexadecimal numbers.


Function HEX Output
OCT2HEX(511) 0000149
OCT2HEX(433,3) 11B
OCT2HEX(777777777) 7FFFFFF

See Also
