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TBILLEQ(SettlementDate, MaturityDate, Discount)


  • is the Treasury Bill's settlement date (a date when the Treasury Bill is purchased)
  • is the Treasury Bill's maturity date (a date when the Treasury Bill expires)
  • is the Treasury Bill's discount rate.

TBILLEQ() calculates the bond equivalent yield for a Treasury Bill.


TBILLEQ(SettlementDate, MaturityDate, Discount)

  • and should be entered either in 'date format' or 'dates returned using formulas'. If dates are not valid, Calci displays #N/A error message.
  • If >= , Calci displays #N/A error message.
  • should not be more than one year than that of . Else, Calci displays #N/A error message.
  • If <0, Calci displays #N/A error message.
  • Formula:

If 'N' is number of days from 'Settlement' to 'Maturity', then TBILLEQ is calculated as -

<math>TBILLEQ = \frac{(365 * Discount)}{(360 - (Discount * N))}


Consider the following example that shows the use of TBILLEQ function:

=TBILLEQ(A1,A2,A3) : Calculates the bond equivalent yield for the Treasury Bill with values in the range A1 to A3. 
Displays 6.26% as a result. =TBILLEQ(DATE(2013,10,20),DATE(2014,6,20),9%) : Calculates the bond equivalent yield for the Treasury Bill with the mentioned values. Displays 9.72% as a result.

See Also
