Manuals/calci/Zhelp helpterm Publish 29082007

Publishes the experience to the Internet.

1. Create an experience. Right click on the ZSpace and click 'Publish' or click 'Publish As' from the power bar. The ZAccount Services dialog will be displayed. Click 'Publish as Guest'.

2. Enter the experience name and optional tag name, and click 'Open Publish'.

3. A message will be displayed indicating that the experience has been successfully published. The message will contain a link to the experience. Clicking on the link will open the Experience. The user can additionally add it to his/her favorites (Add to Favorites) .

Note 1: The experience will be published anonymously. Anybody can see/modify/re-publish the experience (behaves like a scratchboard). Note 2: To search for the experience, type 'z. TagName' in the power bar.