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["type"  ,  "size"      ,  "coordinates"                  , "stroke"      , "fill" , "marker-start"],
["type"  ,  "size"      ,  "coordinates"                  , "stroke"      , "fill" , "marker-start"],
["line"      ,  null  ,  [100,10,200,100,300,299,200,300]            , "red"  , "blue" , "#arrow"]
["line"      ,  null  ,  [100,10,200,100,300,299,200,300]            , "red"  , "blue" , "#arrow"]

Revision as of 22:09, 9 October 2020

Segmented Render Arrays

Segmented Arrays with empty element. Each Segment can have its own heading


Timeline of Draw


Drawing Strokes Simulation


Line Modes

Line modes. Get modes from CURVEMODES() part of the string gives the mode like stepbefore

// edit: make name and info only below onto a table as Line Modes

{name: 'curveLinear', curve: d3.curveLinear, active: true, lineString: '', clear: false, info: 'Interpolates the points using linear segments.'},
			{name: 'curveBasis', curve: d3.curveBasis, active: true, lineString: '', clear: true, info: 'Interpolates the start and end points and approximates the inner points using a B-spline.'},
			{name: 'curveBasisClosed', curve: d3.curveBasisClosed, active: false, lineString: '', clear: false, info: 'Uses a closed B-Spline to approximate the points.'},
			{name: 'curveBundle (ß=0)', curve: d3.curveBundle.beta(0), active: false, lineString: '', clear: true, info: 'Same as curveBasis with the addition of a paramter ß which determines how close to a straight line the curve is. If ß=0 the curve is straight.'},
			{name: 'curveBundle (ß=0.5)', curve: d3.curveBundle.beta(0.5), active: false, lineString: '', clear: false, info: 'Same as curveBasis with the addition of a paramter ß which determines how close to a straight line the curve is.'},
			{name: 'curveBundle (ß=1)', curve: d3.curveBundle.beta(1), active: false, lineString: '', clear: false, info: 'Same as curveBasis with the addition of a paramter ß which determines how close to a straight line the curve is. If ß=1 the curve is the same as curveBasis.'},
			{name: 'curveCardinal (tension=0)', curve: d3.curveCardinal.tension(0), active: false, lineString: '', clear: true, info: "Interpolates the points using a cubic B-spline. A tension parameter determines how 'taut' the curve is. As tension approaches 1 the segments become linear."},
			{name: 'curveCardinal (tension=0.5)', curve: d3.curveCardinal.tension(0.5), active: false, lineString: '', clear: false, info: "Interpolates the points using a cubic B-spline. A tension parameter determines how 'taut' the curve is. As tension approaches 1 the segments become linear."},
			{name: 'curveCardinal (tension=1)', curve: d3.curveCardinal.tension(1), active: false, lineString: '', clear: false, info: "Interpolates the points using a cubic B-spline. A tension parameter determines how 'taut' the curve is. As tension approaches 1 the segments become linear."},
			{name: 'curveCatmullRom (α=0)', curve: d3.curveCatmullRom.alpha(0), active: false, lineString: '', clear: true, info: 'Similar to curveCardinal (tension=0) but with a parameter α that determines the parameterisation used to interpolate the points. If α=0 the parameterisation is uniform.'},
			{name: 'curveCatmullRom (α=0.5)', curve: d3.curveCatmullRom.alpha(0.5), active: false, lineString: '', clear: false, info: 'Similar to curveCardinal (tension=0) but with a parameter α that determines the parameterisation used to interpolate the points. If α=0.5 the parameterisation is centripetal and self intersecting loops are avoided.'},
			{name: 'curveCatmullRom (α=1)', curve: d3.curveCatmullRom.alpha(1), active: false, lineString: '', clear: false, info: 'Similar to curveCardinal (tension=0) but with a parameter α that determines the parameterisation used to interpolate the points. If α=1 the parameterisation is chordal.'},
			{name: 'curveMonotoneX', curve: d3.curveMonotoneX, active: false, lineString: '', clear: true, info: 'Interpolates the points with a cubic spline which are monotonic (i.e. always increasing or always decreasing) in y.'},
			{name: 'curveMonotoneY', curve: d3.curveMonotoneY, active: false, lineString: '', clear: false, info: 'Interpolates the points with a cubic spline which are monotonic (i.e. always increasing or always decreasing) in x.'},
			{name: 'curveNatural', curve: d3.curveNatural, active: false, lineString: '', clear: true, info: 'Interpolates the points with a cubic spline with zero 2nd derivatives at the endpoints.'},
			{name: 'curveStep', curve: d3.curveStep, active: false, lineString: '', clear: true, info: 'Interpolates the points with alternating horizontal and vertical linear segments. The vertical segments lie midway between points.'},
			{name: 'curveStepAfter', curve: d3.curveStepAfter, active: false, lineString: '', clear: false, info: 'Interpolates the points with alternating horizontal and vertical linear segments. The y value changes after the x value.'},
			{name: 'curveStepBefore', curve: d3.curveStepBefore, active: false, lineString: '', clear: false, info: 'Interpolates the points with alternating horizontal and vertical linear segments. The y value changes before the x value.'}
		["type"   ,   "size"      ,   "coordinates"                  , "stroke"      , "fill" ,"linemode"  ],
			["line"      ,   null   ,   [100,10,200,100,300,299,200,300]            , "red"   , "blue"   , "catmull"]

Arrow Heads on Lines

marker-start marker-end marker-mid

		["type"   ,   "size"      ,   "coordinates"                  				, "stroke"      , "fill" , "marker-start"],
		["line"      ,   null   ,   [100,10,200,100,300,299,200,300]            , "red"   		, "blue" ,	"#arrow"]

Arrow Heads on Lines and Line Modes

		["type"   ,   "size"      ,   "coordinates"                  , "stroke"      , "fill" ,"linemode" ,"marker-end" ],
		["line"      ,   null   ,   [100,10,200,100,300,299,200,300]            , "red"   , "blue"   , "stepbefore","arrow"]

Arrow Heads at Start, End and Middle of Line

-arrows mid start and end

		["type"   ,   "size"      ,   "coordinates"                  , "stroke"      , "fill" ,"linemode" ,"marker-end","marker-mid","marker-start" ],
			["line"      ,   null   ,   [100,10,200,100,300,299,200,300]            , "red"   , "blue"   , "stepbefore","arrow","arrow","arrow"]