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  • is the value for which distribution is evaluated.
  • is the number of degrees of freedom.


  • This function gives the one_tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.
  • It is denoted by distribution.
  • Normally categorical data's may displayed in tables.
  • The static used to compare the observed value in each table to the assumed value.
  • The conditions of test is
  1. The table should be 2x2 or more than 2x2
  2. Each observations should not be dependent
  3. All expected values should be 10 or greater.
  • The test statistic is:

The degrees of freedom are: Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle (r–1)(c–1)}

  • r = No. of rows
  • c = No. of columns


  • Oi-the observed value in the ith cell
  • Ei- the expected value in the ith cell

Also this function will the result as Error when

  1. The & values are non-numeric
  2. The value is negative or value is not an integer
  3. The or
  4. Here CHIDIST=P(X>x),where X is a random variable.
  • CHIDIST(-2,1)=Error, because Number is negative.
  • CHIDIST(2,-1)=Error, because Degreeoffreedom<1


  • The syntax is to calculate CHIDIST in ZOS is CHIDIST(Number,Degreeoffreedom).
  • is the value for which distribution is evaluated.
  • is the number of degrees of freedom.
  • For e.g.,CHIDIST(10..12,5.1..7.1..0.6)
Chi-squared Distribution


CHIDIST(Number,Degreeoffreedom) x df RESULT
CHIDIST(18,2) 18 2 0.0001234098
CHIDIST(15,1) 15 1 0.0001075112
CHIDIST(2,1) 2 1 0.157299207050
CHIDIST(-2,1) -2 1 error
CHIDIST(2,-1) 2 -1 error

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Chi-Square Distribution

See Also


CHI-SQUARE Distribution