
Revision as of 17:39, 4 December 2013 by Swapna (talk | contribs)


  • Where 'number' is a hexadecimal number to be converted and
  • 'places' is the number of characters to be used to display the output.

HEX2OCT converts a hexadecimal number to its octal equivalent.



For Example,

HEX2OCT("A",4) returns 0012

HEX2OCT("FA",6) returns 000372

HEX2OCT("09") returns 0000000011

  • 'number' must be a hexadecimal number. Hexadecimal number uses digits 0 to 9 and characters A to F. The number can also be entered in text format (e.g "1F").
  • The most significant bit represents the 'sign' of the number. Negative numbers are represented using 2's complement notation.
  • A number preceding with '0' (e.g 013) should be written in text format ("013") to avoid confusion with octal numbers.
  • Calci returns an #ERROR message if 'number' contains more than 10 characters (10 bits).

Need to verify the 'limit for no. of input digits' after next release

  • If 'number' is negative, Calci ignores the places and displays 10 digit octal output.
  • If 'places' is not an integer, it is truncated.
  • If 'places' are non-numeric, Calci returns an #ERROR message.
  • If 'places' is negative, Calci ignores the places and uses the minimum number of digits required to display the octal output.
  • If 'places' is omitted, Calci displays the 10 digit octal output by adding the leading zeros (if required).
  • If 'places' is less than the digits required by the output, Calci ignores the places and uses the minimum number of digits required to display the octal output.


HEX Input Octal Output
HEX2OCT("44F",5) 02117
HEX2OCT("17") 0000000027
HEX2OCT(D1C,-3) 6434
HEX2OCT("FFFFFFFEEE") 7777777356

See Also
