
Revision as of 04:08, 6 November 2013 by Abin (talk | contribs)

  • where 'iz' is the complex number


  • This function gives the cos value of 'iz'.
  • Where iz is the complex number in the form of  
  • x & y are the real number
  • 'i' is the imaginary unit  
  • Also x is called the real part & y is the imaginary patr of a complex number.
  • 'COMPLEX' is the function used to convert Real & Imaginary numbers in to a complex number.
  •   is defined by  



  • iz is the complex number.
IMCOS(iz) Value(Radian)
IMCOS("2+3i") -4.189-i9.109
IMCOS("2-3i") 4.189-i9.109
IMCOS("2") 0.4161468

See Also


Where xn is the x-coordinate and yn is the y-coordinate of that particular point ATAN2 returns the error value when both xn and yn are 0. If you want to convert the arctangent in degrees, multiply the result by 180/PI. Calci returns the arctangent of the particular x- and y-coordinates. It is the angle from the x-axis to a line with origin (0, 0) and with coordinates (xn, yn).