

  • is the order of the Hollow matrix.


  • This function shows the matrix of order 3 with the hollow matrix property.
  • A hollow matrix may be a square matrix whose diagonal elements are all equal to zero.
  • The real skew-symmetric matrix,adjacency matrix of a finite simple graph and a distance matrix or Euclidean matrix are some examples of Hollow matrix.
  • In Calci, users can get different type of hollow matrices.
  • For example, to get negative decimal places of hollow matrix is MATRIX("hollow:negative") and to get positive decimal places is MATRIX("hollow:positive").
  • Also MATRIX("hollow:negzeropos") is used to get a hollow ineteger matrix with the numbers 0,1 and -1.
  • MATRIX("hollow:integer") is used to get any integer numbers of Hollow matrix.


  • 1.MATRIX("hollow",4)
0 -20 -48 -31
22 0 62 75
64 6 0 2
41 6 -51 0
  • 2.MATRIX("hollow:positive")

0 17.894603312015533 43.48729630000889 57.917751371860504 0 56.09508000779897 92.90755833499134 14.018815965391695 0

0 17.894603312015533 43.48729630000889
57.917751371860504 0 56.09508000779897
92.90755833499134 14.018815965391695 0
  • 3.MATRIX("hollow:negative")
0 -76.5736571745947 -19.65819902252406
-72.52066603396088 -66.49071478750557 0
  • 4.MATRIX("hollow:negzeropos",5)
0 0 0 -1 1
1 0 -1 -1 1
0 -1 0 1 1
1 -1 1 0 -1
0 1 -1 0 0


0 92 96 -46 40 -100 -86
32 9 43 0 -48 76 -76
-90 36 -84 70 -60 0 86
-42 9 8 -75 -40 -82 0