Unit Operators

In z^3, operations can be done in "Unit Unaware" or "Unit Aware" ways. This is to efficient with calculations as the users desire.

The normal operators like +, -, *, -, ^, <, >, <=, ==, >=, !=, etc. are enclosed in two angle brackets to get the unit versions.

Hence the corresponding unit operators are:

<+> - Unit aware addition

<-> - Unit aware subtraction

<*> - Unit aware multiplication

<-> - Unit aware division

<^> - Unit aware power

<<> - Unit aware less than

<>> - Unit aware greater than

<<=>- Unit aware less than or equal to

<==>- Unit aware equal to

<>=>- Unit aware greater than or equal to.

<!=>- Unit aware not equal to.

See Also

How to declare and use unit aware variables