LB (Number)
- is any positive real number.
- This function shows the logarithm value of base 2.
- In , is any positive real number.
- LB means the logarithm with the base 2.
- So the Binary logarithm is the logarithm to the base 2.
- The Binary logarithm function is the inverse function of the power of two function.
- So for any real number x, ,.
- For example, the binary logarithm of 1 is 0, the binary logarithm of 2 is 1, the binary logarithm of 4 is 2, and the binary logarithm of 32 is 5.
- This function will return the result as NaN when the given number as negative.
- LB(20) = 4.321928094887363
- LB(192) = 7.584962500721156
- LB(5423) = 12.40487545501521