Z^3 Array Manipulation Member Functions
A listing of the Array functions are given below:
Function name Parameter
Function Name | Parameters | Notes |
$ | Apply functions to each element of array | |
$$ | Apply functions to each row of array | |
$$$ | Apply functions to each column of array | |
$$F | Function/Array of Functions | Append results of functions to each row |
$A | Parameter | Get attributes from an array of objects |
$C | Function/Array of Functions, Optional Parameters, Column index to apply | Apply a function with parameters to a column |
$CELLS | Function/Array of Functions, Optional Parameters, Row/Column Area indices to apply | Apply a function with parameters to a cell area |
$d | Get the diagonal of an array | |
$diag | Same as get the diagonal of an array | |
$dth | Get the dth diagonal of an array | |
$R | Function/Array of Functions, Optional Parameters, Row index to apply | Apply a function with parameters to a row |
$X | Combines two arrays using an across operation. Reverse is .X$ | |
$x | Same as $X | |
$_ | Apply a function to the entire array as one aggregate call | |
__$ | Mode, Functions, Parameters | Using a mode (value, valuebyrow, index etc), apply a function to the cells with parameters |
ac | ColCount | Add columns |
accumulate | Total | Accumulate each element with the next and give a cumulative result. Start from Total if need be. |
accumulatewith | CumulateFunction, CurrentResult | Accumulate each element with the next using the function and give a cumulative result. Start from Total if need be. |
across | OtherArray, Function | Apply the functions to each combination of cells in the two arrays |
add | Thing | Add Thing to Array |
addcolumn | NumberOfColumns | Add specified number of columns to the array |
addrow | NumberOfRows | |
addsequence | InFront, StartFrom, OptionalSequenceArray | |
adjoint | Array | Adjoint of the matrix |
aggregate | Columns,Function, Params | Apply functions to columns with parameters given |
any | Count | Get Count elements from the array randomly |
appendfunction | Function | |
ar | ||
async | Iterator, CallBack | |
atindex | ||
atnode | Function, SubtractByArray, ScaleByArray, DoNotShowIndices | |
backward | Function, StartValue | |
bindcolumn | ||
branch | SomeOnlyMatches | Give three arrays (one for negative, zero and positive) with false/true for each value in the array. SomeOnlyMatches if true, shows only for the items that matched the condition |
branchvalues | SomeOnlyMatches | Give three arrays (one for negative, zero and positive) with value that matched for each value in the array. SomeOnlyMatches if true, shows only for the items that matched the condition |
c | Columns | Extract columns from array |
calci | Convert array to calci | |
car | Head of an array | |
cartesianproduct | IsWithoutFlatten | Create a cartesian product of the elements of the arrays. |
cdr | Tail of an array | |
cell | Row, Column, Width, Height | Cells with the specified addresses |
cells | Cells with the specified addresses. Same as cell | |
checktype | TypeArray, ForceCheckOnVariables | Check if elements are of the type/typearray mentioned |
chunks | ChunkSize | Chunks of size from array. pieces gives pieces of size starting with each element which is different |
ci | Apply a function to column indices (same as Array.__$ in "ic" mode) | |
clean | Expression, ReplaceWith | Remove the items that match Expression and replace with ReplaceWith if provided |
clear | FillWith | Clear array and fill with FillWith if provided |
clearcopy | FillWith | |
clearrepeats | ||
clone | Clone an array | |
colconcat | Concat columns | |
colcount | Column Count | |
collect | Takes matches at element level | |
collectasvector | Takes matches at top level | |
collectwhile | Takes matches at element level while true | |
collectwhileasvector | Takes matches at top level while true | |
column | SomeColumns | Extract columns |
columnconcat | AnotherArray | Concat two arrays by column |
columns | SomeColumns | Extract columns |
compare | ||
concatall | LimitArray, IncludeEdges | |
converge | Function, NumberOfIterations, Accuracy, Converge | |
copy | ||
core | ||
count | FirstLevelOnly | |
crosstab | RowSet, ColSet,PageSet,DataSet | |
cube | ||
cumcolumn | Cumulate column(s) | |
cumcolumns | Cumulate column(s) | |
cumcolumnswith | Cumulate column(s) with a function | |
cumcolumnwith | Cumulate column(s) with a function | |
cumrow | Cumulate row(s) | |
cumrows | Cumulate row(s) | |
cumrowswith | Cumulate row(s) with a function | |
cumrowwith | Cumulate row(s) with a function | |
cumulate | Cumulate elements with NUMSUM | |
data | ||
dc | Delete columns specified | |
deal | Within, ManyInEach | |
deepcopy | Deep copy of an array | |
deletecolumn | Delete a specified or last column | |
deleterow | Where | Delete a specified or last row |
det | Array | Determinant of an array |
determinant | Determinant of an array | |
dim | Dimensions | Create a new array with the dimensions given |
div | Thing | Divide Thing to Array |
divide | Thing | Integer Divide Thing to Array |
dr | Which | Delete a specified or last row |
drop | ||
dropwhile | Drops elements that do not match at element level | |
dropwhileasvector | Drops matches at top level | |
eighteenth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from eighteenth position |
eighth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from eigth position |
eleventh | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from eleventh position |
equal | Array, CheckLength, StartFrom | |
equalvalues | Array, CheckLength, StartFrom | |
eval | Execute each element of the array as code | |
except | Indices | Extract the elements at indices mentioned |
exec | Parameters | Execute each element of the array as a function with given parameters |
explode | StartIndex, By, RecurseTillLevel | |
extract | ||
few | Pick a few elements from the array randomly | |
fifteenth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from fifteenth position |
fifth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from fifth position |
fillwith | Numbers | Fill the array with numbers provided. Repeat the numbers if fewer than size specified |
filtermatches | MatchIdenticalMatrix, OnlyMatches | |
filteroncolumn | Condition, ExtractColumns, FilterOnColumn | ExtractColumns are the columns that are extracted, and filters are applied on FilterOnColumn where condition is satisfied |
filteroncondition | TakeDropOrAllFlag, Function, Parameter | Apply a function to an array with parameters, and return list that matched/not matched/all |
filteronrow | Condition, ExtractColumns, FilterOnColumn | ExtractRows are the rows that are extracted, and filters are applied on FilterOnRow where condition is satisfied |
findcellref | Values | |
first | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from first position |
firstelement | SomeCount | Pick the element from first position |
firsthalf | First half of the array | |
fixat | Index, Fix | |
fjoin | HeadLength, JoinString | |
flatten | Flatten the array to a single dimension | |
flip | Same as transpose | |
flipparts | Switch first and second half of an array | |
fold | AtFoldValue, AtReverseFoldValue | |
foldl | Function, StartSeed | |
foldr | Function, StartSeed | |
forward | Function, StartValue | |
fourteenth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from fourteenth position |
fourth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from fourth position |
fourths | Split array in four pieces | |
funcjoin | HeadLength, FindString, FirstString, MidString, LastString | |
gettype | ||
graph | Mode | |
graphin | ||
half | Give two halves of the array | |
halves | Same as half | |
hderef | Array | |
head | ||
headings | ||
hindex | ||
hundredth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from hundredth position |
i | PreviousArray | Indices in an array, concatenated to the PreviousArray if provided |
ic | Functions | Apply functions to the column indices |
ids | Get ids of all objects in an array of objects if present | |
implode | RecurseTillLevel | |
inc | ||
include | ||
indices | Function, SubtractByArray, ScaleByArray, DoNotShowIndices, RowArray | |
injoin | JoinWith | |
insert | Value, AfterLastFlag | |
insertcolumn | Index, NumberOfColumns | |
insertrow | Index, NumberOfRows | |
inverse | Array | |
ir | ||
is | Thing, IsNot | |
is1d | ||
is2d | ||
isFalse | ||
isfalse | ||
islikelytype | ||
isnotnull | ||
isnull | ||
isTrue | ||
istrue | ||
istype | ||
j | ||
joincolumnswith | ArrayOfJoinCharacters, IsRepeat | |
joinrowswith | ArrayOfJoinCharacters, IsRepeat | |
joinwith | ||
jq | ||
keep | ||
last | Count | Get Count elements from the Last element |
lastelement | Count | |
list | ||
lookup | ||
make | ||
make1to2d | ReplaceOriginal | |
makecore | ||
makekeyarray | Recursive | |
maplist | fun | |
mapper | Function | |
maprow | Function | |
mask | ||
match | Expression | |
matchcolumn | Expression, Column | |
matchindex | Expression, IndexThenFromMatch | |
matchrow | Expression, Row | |
matchvalue | Expression, IndexThenFromMatch | |
merge | OtherArray, Function | |
mergecolumns | OtherArray | |
mergeio | ||
mergerows | ||
mid | From, Count | Pick Count elements from From location onwards |
millionth | ||
mod | Thing | Mod Thing to Array |
multiply | Thing | Multiply Thing to Array |
nicejoin | JoinString, EndString, SubArrayString | |
nineteenth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from nineteenth position |
nineth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from nineth position |
nodeindex | ||
notinclude | Item | |
notwithinlimits | LimitArray, IncludeEdges | |
nth | Nth, Count | Pick the SomeCount of items from nth position |
ntimes | Function, NumberOfIterations, Accuracy, Converge | |
nullifyobjects | Recursive | |
numbers | ForceCheckOnVariables | |
o | ||
objects | ||
of | ||
op | Op with another number using units (Supported Operators %, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=,===, FEQ Floating Equals) | |
otherthan | ArrayWithElementsToExclude | |
pack | ||
pad | Length, PadString | |
pair | Value, OnRight | |
pairmatch | AtFoldValue, AtReverseFoldValue, StartFrom | |
partitiononcondition | TakeDropOrAllFlag, Function, Parameter | |
parts | NumberOfParts, SpecificPart | |
pastefolds | MidOnly | |
pick | StyleString, JoinString | |
pieces | Width, Function | |
pip | Push and Insert into subarrays at pathindices given | |
pipall | Push and Insert for all elements from index provided | |
pipallwithslice | pipall with slices marked for later unpipping | |
plot | ||
prefix | Add a prefix to every element in an array | |
primitives | ||
Print an array as a text string | ||
printf | ||
r | ||
rand | ||
random | Base,Numbers | |
remove | ||
removeByVal | Value | |
removeindices | ||
removewith | ||
repeatntimes | Function, NumberOfIterations, Accuracy, Converge | |
replace | ExpressionArrayOrValues, ReplaceWith | |
replicate | Count | |
rest | Start, Count | |
result | ||
reverselevel | Level | |
reversepip | SomeExceptIndexUpto, SomeMarkSliced | Push and Insert for all elements from index provided in reverse |
reversesort | Function | |
ri | Apply a function to row indices (same as Array.__$ in "ir" mode) | |
rotate | NumberOfSteps | Rotate an array NumberOfSteps times |
rotatecolumns | NumberOfSteps | |
rotaterows | NumberOfSteps | |
row | ||
rowconcat | OtherArray | Concat two arrays by row |
rowcount | Count of rows | |
rowlengths | Function | |
rowpush | OtherArray | |
rows | ||
rslice | ||
second | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from second position |
secondhalf | Get second half of the array | |
seq | StartIndex, By | |
set | ||
setaxis | Axis, ColumnValues | |
setcolumn | Column, ColumnValues | |
setheadings | ||
setrow | Row, Array | |
setunit | ||
seventeenth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from seventeenth position |
seventh | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from seventh position |
shiftlevel | Level, NumberOfTimes | |
shuffle | ||
sixteenth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from sixteenth position |
sixth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from sixth position |
size | ||
size2d | ||
slices | SliceExpression | |
slides | ||
some | ||
sortrecursively | ||
sortwith | ||
specialprint | Trimmed,TabLevel | |
spliteach | SplitExpression, RetainSplitterAlsoInResult | |
splitwhile | ||
splitwhileasvector | ||
stringlist | ||
subtract | Thing | Subtract Thing to Array |
suchthat | Filter an array with a condition (same as filteroncondition) | |
suchthatasvector | Filter an array with a condition (same as filteroncondition) at top array level | |
suffix | Add a suffix to every element in an array | |
t | Transpose an array | |
table | Convert array to an html table | |
tablelookup | RowValueMatch, ColumnValueMatch | |
tail | ||
takewhile | Takes matches at every element | |
takewhileasvector | Takes matches at top level | |
tenth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from tenth position |
third | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from third position |
thirds | Split array in three pieces | |
thirteenth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from thirteenth position |
thousandth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from thousandth position |
tofunctions | ||
toobjectformat | ||
totree | ||
transpose | IncludeHeader | |
truefalse | IsCheckTrueFunctionList, IsCheckFalseFunctionList, DoFlattenFirst | |
twelfth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from twelfth position |
twentieth | SomeCount | Pick the SomeCount of items from twentieth position |
twod | ||
type | ||
uncrosstab | UptoColumn | |
unimplode | RecurseTillLevel | |
unimplodeleaf | ||
unitsof | ||
unwrapleaf | ||
unzip | ||
value | Function | |
where | Term | |
withinlimits | LimitArray, IncludeEdges | |
withouttail | ||
X$ | Combines two arrays using an across operation in reverse. Opposite of .$X | |
x$ | FunctionArray, OffsetArray, ScaleArray, GiveIndicesAlso,DoCentering | Apply a function array to the array, with offsets and scales applied, with indices or centering as requested |
xy | Apply a function array to the array, with offsets and scales applied, with indices | |
xypanel | FunctionArray, OffsetArray, ScaleArray, GiveIndicesAlso | Apply a function array to the array, with offsets and scales applied, with indices, centered by default at 0. Useful to create contour panels with inputs to apply functions on. |
z3 | ||
zero | ValueInstead, PreserveStructure | Zero or replace values in an array |
zip | OtherArray | Combine two arrays into one zipped array |
ZJSON | ||
zoompip |