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Hash # Operator

# Operator can have multiple meanings, when used as a binary operator or as suffix.  Hash # Operator . 
# can be used to (1) arrafy functions, (2) index, search and filter arrays, and (3) index and search Objects.

# to arrayfy Functions

Any functions can be enabled with Array handling for all (or some) parameters, by using # operator. For example: v:=u+a*t; creates a function v which computes the expression u+a*t, with u, a, and t as parameters. However, this function only takes simple parameters as inputs. To make the function v to be able to compute combinations of arrays as parameters, using Combinatorial Arguments, simply use the notation v# to enable array handling capabilities to each of the parameters. If we wish to exclude any parameter, provide an array of such parameters index as the suffix to #. For example, v#[1] will exclude "a" (the 1st index parameter) from handling input arrays.

Once arrayfied, the function can take arrays as arguments, and for each of the cartesian product of the parameters, a result will be computed. For example, once arrayfied, v(1..2,3..4,1..10) will compute the value for v for each combination of the three parameter arrays.

# to split strings

  1. splits strings into arrays.

If numbers are provided on the right of #, then splits can be done in a pattern. If regular expressions are provided on the right, the splits will be based on the regular expression.

"this"#              // Splits this to four separate elements, t, h, i and s.
"this"#[3,3]         // Splits this to separate elements, of size 3, 3, etc.

# to an index arrays, etc

  1. can be used to index arrays, as below. If the right argument is an array, it will extract all elements represented by the indices on the right. If a multi-dimensional index is required, provide a subarray, such as 2,3 instead of [2,3]. To get the length of elements along a particular dimension, use the notation nd (For example, 1d to extract the size along the 1st dimension).
	(1..10)#1d // dimension 1st, made to 1-1=0 of size
	MS(4)#[2d] // size of 2d

	a#; // will arrayfy the object.
		// header based with a notation?

	a#[["speed","weight"],[["details","size"]]]	;
	a#[[["details","size"]]]	;

