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  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle n1,n2,n3…, } are the numbers.


  • This function gives the smallest number in a given set of values.
  • In Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle MINA(n1,n2,n3,…), n1} is required and Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle n2,n3… } ,are optional.
  • Here , can be numbers, names, arrays or references that contain numbers.
  • Also logical values and text representations can be valid.
  • Suppose the argument contain the logical value TRUE , it is considered as 1 and if it is FALSE , it is considered as 0. *In a referred array only numbers are considered.
  • Empty cells,logical values or text in the referred array are not considered.
  • suppose the arguments contain no numbers then this gives the value as 0.
  • This functon will return the result as error when any one of the argument is nonnumeric or the referred array cannot translated in to numbers.
  • If we want make logical values and text representations of numbers as dummy then we can use the MIN function.


  1. MINA(5,15,25)=5
  2. MINA(-1,-6,-9,-15)=-15
  3. MINA(0.252,0.234,0.214,0.2)=0.2
  4. MINA(2,5,7,TRUE)=1
  5. MINA(4,7,9,FALSE)=0

21 87 75 TRUE MINA(C1:C4)=1

See Also




There is no limit to how many parameters pass to MINA.

Calci returns the smallest value from set of numbers.

Parameters can be numbers,array,logical values(TRUE counted as 1 and FALSE counted as 0) or references that contain numbers.

Parameters have no numbers, MINA returns 0.

MINA ignores values that cannot be converted into numbers.

Logical values and text represent the number in the reference as not part of evaluation, use MIN function.

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
Row1 2 2 4 5
Row2 7 8 2 128
Row3 FALSE 67968 14 15
Row4 17 18 10000 20
Row5 26 67994 10020 168
Row6 4 0.850904 1.619775 0.525322


Lets see an example in (Column3,Row1)


Smallest number from (2,7,FALSE,17) is 0.

Consider another example


MINA return the smallest number from(2,5,TRUE,8,9)

is 1.



