
Revision as of 17:02, 5 December 2013 by Swapna (talk | contribs)

LOG(number, base)

  • Where 'number' is the positive real number and
  • 'base' is the base of the logarithm.

LOG() determines the logarithm of a number to the specified base.


LOG(number, base)

For Example,

LOG(10, 2) returns 3.3219280948873626

LOG(100,10) returns 2

  • The 'number' should be a positive real number. Else Calci displays NaN error message.
  • The 'base' should be a positive real number. Else Calci displays NaN error message.
  • If the 'base' is omitted, Calci assumes it to be 10.
  • The function can be used to find the logarithm of array of numbers with a specified base.

e.g. LOG(10..20, 2) that displays the output as below -


10 2