
Revision as of 00:59, 13 March 2017 by Jayaram (talk | contribs)

COUNTA (v1, v2...)

  • Where v1, v2….   are arguments.
  • COUNTA() returns the count of non-empty cells, and values within the list of arguments.
  • Empty cells and text values in the array or reference are ignored.



Consider columns A1 to A8 contain 3 numbers. COUNTA(A1:A8) returns 3 as a result.

COUNTA((A1:A8),"SUN",13) returns 5 as a result.

COUNTA(1..100,5,TRUE) returns 102 as a result. Logical value 'TRUE' is also counted.

COUNTA(1..100,5,TRUE,"ONE") returns 103 as a result.

  • Arguments can be numbers, dates, text representation of a numbers, logical values, error values or empty text("").
  • Empty cells and text values are not counted.
  • COUNT() can be used to count the number of cells of all type of values excluding logical values, text and error values.
  • COUNTIF() can be used to count the number of cells that satisfy the given criteria.


  • The syntax to calculate COUNTA in ZOS is  
    •   are arguments.
  • For e.g., COUNTA(10,12,17,true,false)


For better understanding of COUNTA() function, consider the below table that contains different types of data in various columns.

Sales 4
23/8/2009 3
52.69 0

=COUNTA(A1:A7) : Counts the number of cells that contain numbers in the cells A1 to A7, returns 6 as a result.

=COUNTA(A4:A7, 2) : Counts the number of cells that contain numbers in the cells A4 to A7 and number '2', returns 5 as a result.

=COUNTA(B1:B5,"A",11) : Counts the number of cells that contain numbers in the cells B1 to B5 , text value "A" and number '11', returns 4 as a result.

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