
Revision as of 04:02, 4 November 2013 by Abin (talk | contribs) (→‎Examples)

  • where x is in Radians
  • by default Calci use Radian as angle

DCOTAN can be used if the angle is in degrees.

The angle can be a single value or any complex array of values.

For example COT(1..100) can give an array of the results, which is the COT value for each of the elements in the array. The array could be of any shape.


Consider     x = 90    then     =COT(RADIANS(90))    gives    1

  • This function gives the Cotangent of 'x'.
  • In a right angled triangle, COTAN = Adjacent Side / Opposite side or COS / SIN.
  • By default, Calci takes the angle in Radians.
  • To convert Degree to Radian, multiply with PI()/180 or we have to use the Degree function like DCOTAN(x)

The following example shows how COTAN is applied to an array of numbers containing numbers 1..10.


Number COTAN
1 0.642092616
2 -0.457657554
3 -7.015252551
4 0.863691154
5 -0.295812916
6 -3.436353004
7 1.147515422
8 -0.147065064
9 -2.210845411
10 1.542351045



  • x   is the angle in radians.
  • COTAN(-x)=-COTAN(x)
COTAN(Radian) Value
COTAN(0) Infinity
COTAN(1) 0.642092615
COTAN(90) -0.501202783

See Also
