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ZCubes is the most revolutionary transformation to the way the world handles information. Yet it is natural, simple and common-sensical - with deep implications to the way world can express and experience information in all its richness.

The basic problem that everyone experiences is simple: Fundamentally, the software world is heavily fragmented, unlike the way humans naturally think. Almost all of the tools we use, are focussed on some context, or are crude bundles of tools that satisfy some contexts, and are useless in other. This problem wastes so much of time and money for everyone, not to mention the curtailing of creativity and possibilities for the future.

We have witnessed some major events of convergence recently. (1) The Web Browser and (2) the Smart Mobile Phone. Needless to say, both revolutionized the world of information, and created the biggest transformations in the last two decades. They changed the way we think, we work, we love, and more.

This new way of thinking is called Omni-Functionality. ZCubes, fundamentally is omni-functional software, just the way a smart phone is omni-functional hardware, and the browser is omni-functional internet access tool.

The implications can't be understated. The convergence of a seamless space of functionality is also as much about the emergence of possibilities that the world has only dreamed about so far.

Amazingly, ZCubes omnifies documents, media, and programs. This is the largest convergence in information; and the greatest space for even more fantastic emergence of creativity, learning, productivity, and more.

We call what comes out of ZCubes as experiences. Truly they are. Media, Information, Animations, Visualizations, and so much more, seamlessly create a beautiful world of endless experiences.

Get involved.


| ZCubes 2021 Presentation in PDF

| ZCubes 2021 Presentation in PPSX

| Data Science Videos