- where 'z' is the complex number is in the form a+bi.
- This function gives the imaginary coefficient of a complex number.
- Imaginary number is a real number which is multiplied with the imaginary unit i,where i=sqrt(-1).
- When imaginary number bi is get adding to the real number a, then it is form a complex number.
- Also when we are squaring the imaginary number bi, it will give the negative real number -b^2.
- For eg (5i)^2=-25.We can use COMPLEX function to convert the real and imginary coefficients to a complex number.
- A complex number is a imaginary number when the real part is zero.
- =EXP(1)=2.718281828459045
- =EXP(0)=1
- =EXP(-5)=0.0067379469990
- =EXP(6.3)=544.5719101259