Z^3 Array Manipulation Member Functions


A listing of the Array functions are given below:

Function name Parameter

Function Name Parameters Notes
$ - - Apply functions to each element of array
$A Parameter
$X - -
$x - -
__$ - -
ac - -
accumulate Total
accumulatewith CumulateFunction, CurrentResult
across OtherArray, Function
add Thing
addcolumn NumberOfColumns
addrow NumberOfRows
addsequence InFront, StartFrom, OptionalSequenceArray
adjoint Array
aggregate Columns,Function, Params
any Count
appendfunction Function
ar - -
async Iterator, CallBack
atindex - -
atnode Function, SubtractByArray, ScaleByArray, DoNotShowIndices
backward Function, StartValue
bindcolumn - -
branch - -
branchvalues - -
c - -
calci - -
car - -
cartesianproduct IsWithoutFlatten
cdr - -
cell Row, Column, Width, Height
cells - -
checktype TypeArray, ForceCheckOnVariables
chunks ChunkSize
ci - -
clean Expression, ReplaceWith
clear FillWith
clearcopy FillWith
clearrepeats - -
clone - -
colconcat - -
colcount - -
collect - -
collectasvector - -
collectwhile - -
collectwhileasvector - -
column - -
columnconcat - -
columns - -
compare - -
concatall LimitArray, IncludeEdges
converge Function, NumberOfIterations, Accuracy, Converge
copy - -
core - -
count FirstLevelOnly
crosstab RowSet, ColSet,PageSet,DataSet
cube - -
cumcolumn - -
cumcolumns - -
cumcolumnswith - -
cumcolumnwith - -
cumrow - -
cumrows - -
cumrowswith - -
cumrowwith - -
cumulate - -
data - -
dc - -
deal Within, ManyInEach
deepcopy - -
deletecolumn Where
deleterow Where
det Array
determinant - -
dim - -
div - -
divide - -
dr - -
drop - -
dropwhile - -
dropwhileasvector - -
eighteenth - -
eighth - -
eleventh - -
equal Array, CheckLength, StartFrom
equalvalues Array, CheckLength, StartFrom
eval - -
except - -
exec - -
explode StartIndex, By, RecurseTillLevel
extract - -
few - -
fifteenth Function
fifth - -
fillwith - -
filtermatches MatchIdenticalMatrix, OnlyMatches
filteroncolumn Condition, ExtractColumns, FilterOnColumn
filteroncondition TakeDropOrAllFlag, Function, Parameter
filteronrow Condition, ExtractColumns, FilterOnColumn
findcellref Values
first Count
firstelement Count
firsthalf - -
fixat Index, Fix
fjoin HeadLength, JoinString
flatten - -
flip - -
flipparts - -
fold AtFoldValue, AtReverseFoldValue
foldl Function, StartSeed
foldr Function, StartSeed
forward Function, StartValue
fourteenth - -
fourth - -
fourths - -
funcjoin HeadLength, FindString, FirstString, MidString, LastString
gettype - -
graph Mode
graphin - -
half - -
halves - -
hderef Array
head - -
headings - -
hindex - -
hundredth - -
i PreviousArray
ic - -
ids - -
implode RecurseTillLevel
inc - -
include - -
indices Function, SubtractByArray, ScaleByArray, DoNotShowIndices, RowArray
injoin JoinWith
insert Value, AfterLastFlag
insertcolumn Index, NumberOfColumns
insertrow Index, NumberOfRows
inverse Array
ir - -
is Thing, IsNot
is1d - -
is2d - -
isFalse - -
isfalse - -
islikelytype - -
isnotnull - -
isnull - -
isTrue - -
istrue - -
istype - -
j - -
joincolumnswith ArrayOfJoinCharacters, IsRepeat
joinrowswith ArrayOfJoinCharacters, IsRepeat
joinwith - -
jq - -
keep - -
last Count
lastelement Count
list - -
lookup - -
make - -
make1to2d ReplaceOriginal
makecore - -
makekeyarray Recursive
maplist fun
mapper Function
maprow Function
mask - -
match Expression
matchcolumn Expression, Column
matchindex Expression, IndexThenFromMatch
matchrow Expression, Row
matchvalue Expression, IndexThenFromMatch
merge OtherArray, Function
mergecolumns OtherArray
mergeio - -
mergerows - -
mid From, Count
millionth - -
multiply - -
nicejoin JoinString, EndString, SubArrayString
nineteenth - -
nineth - -
nodeindex - -
notinclude Item
notwithinlimits LimitArray, IncludeEdges
nth Nth, Count
ntimes Function, NumberOfIterations, Accuracy, Converge
nullifyobjects Recursive
numbers ForceCheckOnVariables
o - -
objects - -
of - -
otherthan ArrayWithElementsToExclude
pack - -
pad Length, PadString
pair Value, OnRight
pairmatch AtFoldValue, AtReverseFoldValue, StartFrom
partitiononcondition TakeDropOrAllFlag, Function, Parameter
parts NumberOfParts, SpecificPart
pastefolds MidOnly
pick StyleString, JoinString
pieces Width, Function
pip - -
pipall - -
pipallwithslice - -
plot - -
prefix - -
primitives - -
print - -
printf - -
r - -
rand - -
random Base,Numbers
remove - -
removeByVal Value
removeindices - -
removewith - -
repeatntimes Function, NumberOfIterations, Accuracy, Converge
replace ExpressionArrayOrValues, ReplaceWith
replicate Count
rest Start, Count
result - -
reverselevel Level
reversepip - -
reversesort Function
ri - -
rotate NumberOfSteps
rotatecolumns NumberOfSteps
rotaterows NumberOfSteps
row - -
rowconcat OtherArray
rowcount - -
rowlengths Function
rowpush OtherArray
rows - -
rslice - -
second - -
secondhalf - -
seq StartIndex, By
set - -
setaxis Axis, ColumnValues
setcolumn Column, ColumnValues
setheadings - -
setrow Row, Array
setunit - -
seventeenth - -
seventh - -
shiftlevel Level, NumberOfTimes
shuffle - -
sixteenth - -
sixth - -
size - -
size2d - -
slices SliceExpression
slides - -
some - -
sortrecursively - -
sortwith - -
specialprint Trimmed,TabLevel
spliteach SplitExpression, RetainSplitterAlsoInResult
splitwhile - -
splitwhileasvector - -
stringlist - -
subtract - -
suchthat - -
suchthatasvector - -
suffix - -
t - -
table - -
tablelookup RowValueMatch, ColumnValueMatch
tail - -
takewhile - -
takewhileasvector - -
tenth - -
third - -
thirds - -
thirteenth - -
thousandth - -
tofunctions - -
toobjectformat - -
totree - -
transpose IncludeHeader
truefalse IsCheckTrueFunctionList, IsCheckFalseFunctionList, DoFlattenFirst
twelfth - -
twentieth - -
twod - -
type - -
uncrosstab UptoColumn
unimplode RecurseTillLevel
unimplodeleaf - -
unitsof - -
unwrapleaf - -
unzip - -
value Function
where Term
withinlimits LimitArray, IncludeEdges
withouttail - -
X$ - -
x$ FunctionArray, OffsetArray, ScaleArray, GiveIndicesAlso,DoCentering
xy - -
xypanel FunctionArray, OffsetArray, ScaleArray, GiveIndicesAlso
z3 - -
zero ValueInstead, PreserveStructure
zip OtherArray
zoompip - -