- Where is the probability value associated with the Chi-squared Distribution
- is the number of Degrees of Freedom
- This function gives the inverse value of One_tailed probability of the Chi-squared Distribution.
- It is called Inverted-Chi-square Distribution and it is a Continuous Probability Distribution of a positive-valued random variable.
- Degrees of freedom =.
- The static used to compare the observed value in each table to the value which would be the expected under the assumption.
- If X has the chi-squared distribution with \nu degrees of freedom, then according to the first definition, 1/X has the Inverse-chi-squared distribution with \nu degrees of freedom;
- If , then .
- CHIINV use the iterating method to find the value of .suppose the iteration has not converged after 100 searches, then the function gives the error result.
- This function will give the error result when
1.Any one of the arguments are non-numeric 2. value is not an integer 3.or 4.Also or .
- CHIINV(0.0001234098,2) = 18
- CHIINV(0.2547876,5) = 6.56699
- CHIINV(0.157299207050,1) = 2
- CHIINV(0.6785412,-1) = NAN