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PV(Rate, NoPaymentPeriods, Payments, FutureValue, Type)


Rate - is the interest rate per period.

NoPaymentPeriods - is the total number of payment periods

Payments - the payment made each period, it not change over the life of the annnuity.Payment contains principal and interest but except other fees and taxes.If omitted, include PresentValue parameters.

FutureValue - the future value.If omitted assumed to be 0 and include Payments parameters.

Type - is indicates payments due by number  0 or 1

TYPE          Payments due

0              At the end of the period

1              At the beginning of the period

Returns the present vlaue of an investment.

If Type other than 0 or 1, PV returns the #ERROR.


Lets see an example in (Column1, Row6)


PV returns -1245262.336586.

Consider an another example(Column1, Row2)


PV returns #ERROR(Type other than 0 or 1).





Column3 Column4
Row1 8000
Row2 2%
Row3 15
Row4 8
Row5 1
Row6 -1245262.336586