


  • First Parameter is the relative position of value to be selected
  • From the second parameter are value arguments or cell references to the values
    • CHOOSE(), chooses a value from a list of values.



e.g. CHOOSE(2,10,20,30) displays 20 as a result.

  • CHOOSE() selects the value from the list of values depending on the specified in the first parameter. e.g. If first parameter is 2, Calci displays in the second parameter.
  • If the first parameter is not an integer, Calci displays #NULL error message.
  • If the first parameter <1 or the first parameter > number of values in the list, Calci displays #N/A error message.
  • Arguments from the second parameter can be numbers, text, cell references, formulas, functions etc.


Red 23
Blue 12
Yellow 3
Green -1
Orange 4
=CHOOSE(5,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) : Finds the value with index number '5' in the cell range A1 to A5. 
Displays Orange. =CHOOSE(2,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) : Finds the value with index number '2' in the cell range A1 to A5.
Displays Blue. =CHOOSE(4,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5) : Finds the value with index number '4' in the cell range B1 to B5.
Displays -1. =CHOOSE(10,B1,B2,B3,B4) : Specified index number '10' is greater than the cell range, hence
Calci displays #N/A error message.

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