
Revision as of 12:43, 16 November 2013 by Swapna (talk | contribs)

DEC2BIN(number, places)

  • Where 'number' is the decimal integer to be converted and
  • 'places' is the number of characters to display the output.

DEC2BIN() function converts a decimal number to its binary equivalent.


DEC2BIN(number, places)

  • The 'number' should be in the range -512 to 511. If it exceeds the limit, Calci gives a #NUM! error.
  • DEC2BIN returns an #ERROR, when the 'number' is nonnumeric.
  • 'places' argument is used to return the output with leading zeros. If 'places' argument is not used, 'Calci' uses the minimum number of characters required to display the binary output.
  • If 'places' contains decimal value, Calci truncates the decimal point and uses the integer value as input.

For example,

DEC2BIN(10, 4) returns 1010

DEC2BIN(100) returns 0001100100

DEC2BIN(30,5.5) returns 011110


Function Binary Output
DEC2BIN(10) 0000001010
DEC2BIN(10,4) 1010
DEC2BIN(100,8) 01100100
DEC2BIN(-56) 1111001000
DEC2BIN(-512) 1000000000

See Also
