
FLOORAT (Array,MaxNumber)

  • is the set of values.
  • is the maximum number.


  • This function rounds the number down to the nearest integer or to its nearest multiple of significance.
  • In  ,  is the value to be rounded down.Number is the multiple which want to round down.
  • If the Number is the positive numbers with decimal portions are rounded down to the nearest integer.
  • For example,12.43 is rounded down to 12.
  • If the array values are negative numbers with decimal portions are rounded away and also the given number is negative number and Max Number should be a negative number.
  • The array values are rounds the number down to the nearest integer that is a multiple of the number specified.
  • The exception is where the number to be rounded is an integer.
  • If Number divided by a Significance of 2 or greater results in a remainder, the result is rounded down.


  1. FLOORAT([23.24,34.3,76.56],1) = 23 34 76
  2. FLOORAT([23.24,34.3,76.56],2) = 22 34 76
  3. FLOORAT([23.24,34.3,76.56],5) = 20 30 75

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