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  • and are complex numbers.


  • This function gives the division of two complex numbers.
  • This function used to remove the (imaginary unit) from the denominator.
  • are the two complex numbers in the form of and , where & are real numbers is the imaginary unit, .
  • To do the division of complex number we have follow the steps:
step 1: We have to write the complex number is in the fraction form.
step 2: To find the conjugate of the denominator.
step 3: To mutiply the numerator and denominator with conjugate.



  1. IMDIV("4+2i","3-i") = = = 10+10i/10 (because ) = 1+i/1 = 1+i
  2. IMDIV("3-5i,2-6i")=0.9+0.2i
  3. IMDIV("5","2+3i")=0.769-1.153i
  4. IMDIV("1+i","2")=0.5+0.5i

See Also


Exponential function