
Revision as of 23:30, 18 December 2013 by Devika (talk | contribs)

  • is the complex number is of the form


  • This function gives square root of a complex number.
  • IMSQRT(z), Where z is the complex number is in the form of "x+iy".
  • where x&y are the real numbers.'i' imaginary unit . .
  • The square root of a complex number is defined by Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \sqrt{z}=\sqrt{x+iy}=\sqrt{r.e^iθ}=\sqrt{r}(cos(θ/2)+isin(θ/2)}
  • where r is the modulus of z.  
  • And θ is the argument of z. Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle θ=tan^{-1}(y/x)} also θ∈(-Pi(),Pi()].
  • We can use COMPLEX function to convert real and imaginary number in to a complex number.


  1. =IMSQRT("2+3i")=1.67414922803554+0.895977476129838i
  2. =IMSQRT("-4-5i")=1.09615788950152-2.2806933416653i
  3. =IMSQRT("7")=2.64575131106459
  4. =IMSQRT("8i")=2+2i

See Also


Binary Logarithm