

  • is the order of the Metzler matrix.


  • This function gives the matrix of order 3 with the metzler properties.
  • A matrix is called Metzler if all of its elements are non-negative except for those on the main diagonal, which are unconstrained.
  • i.e., The off diagonal values must be "+" and main diagonal values "+","-" or "0".
  • Also Metzler is also called as quasi positive or essentially nonnegative.
  • The exponential of a Metzler matrix is a nonnegative matrix because of the corresponding property for the exponential of a nonnegative matrix.
  • A Metzler matrix has an eigenvector in the nonnegative matrix because of the corresponding property for nonnegative matrices.
  • In Calci, users need a metzler matrix with various values, then the syntax is MATRIX("metzler").
  • Otherwise users need a matrix with values 0,1 and -1, then the syntax isĀ : MATRIX("metzler:negzeropos")


  • MATRIX("metzler",4)
-55 100 92 85
26 57 40 77
5 40 -33 11
40 83 74 -92
  • MATRIX("metzler:negzeropos",5)
-1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0 1
1 1 -1 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1

See Also
