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 ZTEST(ar, p,sigma)

Where 'ar' is the array or range of data, 'p' is the value to test and 'sigma' is the population (known) standard deviation.

  This function returns the one-tailed probability-value of a z-test.

  • ZTEST is calculated as follows when sigma is not omitted:

where 'ar' = array, ''p' = μ0

or when sigma is omitted:

where 'ar' = array, ''p' =-μ0

x is the sample mean AVERAGE(ar); s is the sample standard deviation STDEV(array); and n is the number of observations in the sample COUNT(array).

  • The following formula can be used to compute the two-tailed probability that the sample mean would be further from 'p' ( μ0) than AVERAGE(ar), when the underlying population mean is μ0:

=2 * MIN(ZTEST(array,μ0,sigma), 1 - ZTEST(array,μ0,sigma)).


=ZTEST(B2:B8,4) is 0.0025

=2*MIN(ZTEST(B2:B8,4),1-ZTEST(B2:B8,4)) is 0.005

=ZTEST(B2:B8,6) is 0.427

=2*MIN(ZTEST(B2:B8,6),1-ZTEST(B2:B8,6)) is 0.8451





Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
Row1 5 0.002491 4 5
Row2 7 0.004982 9 128
Row3 9 0.427068 14 15
Row4 8 0.854136 10000 20
Row5 6
Row6 5 1.286186 27 40
Row7 3 0.850904 1.619775 0.525322