
Revision as of 04:19, 4 August 2016 by Abin (talk | contribs)


Constants Value Abbreviations
speed of light in vacuum 299792458 m·s−1 %speed
speed of sound in dry air 343.2 m·s−1
newtonian constant of gravitation 6.6740831e−11 m3·kg−1·s−2 %newtonian
planck constant 6.62607004081e−34 J·s %plank
reduced planck constant 1.05457180013e−34 J·s
magnetic constant vacuum permeability 1.256637061e−6 N·A−2
electric constant vacuum permittivity 8.854187817e−12 F·m−1 %electric
characteristic impedance of vacuum 376.730313461 Ω %characteristic
coulomb's constant 8.987551787e9 N·m2·C−2
elementary charge 1.60217656535e−19 C %elementary
bohr magneton 9.2740096820e−24 J·T−1 %bohr
conductance quantum 7.748091734625e−5 S %conductance
inverse conductance quantum 12906.403721742 Ω %inverse
josephson constant 4.8359787011e14 Hz·V−1 %josephson
magnetic flux quantum 2.06783375846e−15 Wb
nuclear magneton 5.0507835311e−27 J·T−1 %nuclear
von klitzing constant 25812.807443484 Ω %von
bohr radius 5.291772109217e−11 m %bohrradius
classical electron radius 2.817940326727e−15 m %classical
electron mass 9.1093829140e−31 kg %electronmass
fermi coupling constant 1.1663645e−5 GeV−2 %fermi
fine-structure constant 7.297352569824e−3 %fine
hartree energy 4.3597443419e−18 J %hartree
proton mass 1.67262177774e−27 kg %proton
quantum of circulation 3.636947552024e−4 m2 s−1 %quantumof
rydberg constant 10973731.56853955 m−1 %rydberg
thomson cross section 6.65245873413e−29 m2 %thomson 
weak mixing angle 0.222321 %weak  
efimov factor 22.7 %efimov
atomic mass constant 1.66053892173e−27 kg %atomic
avogadro's number 6.0221412927e23 mol−1 %avogadro
boltzmann constant 1.380648813e−23 J·K−1 %boltzmann
faraday constant 96485.336521C·mol−1 %faraday
first radiation constant 3.7417715317e−16 W·m2 %first
first radiation constant for spectral radiance 1.19104286953e−16 W·m2·sr−1
loschmidt constant 2.686780524e25 m−3 %loschmidt
gas constant 8.314462175 J·K−1·mol−1 %gas
molar planck constant 3.990312717628e−10 J·s·mol−1 %molar
molar volume of an ideal gas at T=273.15K and p=100kPa 2.271095321e−2 m3·mol−1 %molarvolume
molar volume of an ideal gas at T=273.15K and p=101.325 kPa 2.241396820e−2 m3·mol−1
sackur-tetrode constant at T=1 K and p=100kPa −1.151707823 %sackur
sackur-tetrode constant at T=1 K and p=101.325 kPa −1.164870823
second radiation constant 1.438777013e−2 m·K %second
stefan–boltzmann constant 5.67037321e−8 W·m−2·K−4 %stefan
wien displacement law constant 2.897772126e−3 m·K %wien
conventional value of josephson constant 4.835979e14 Hz·V−1 %conventional
conventional value of von klitzing constant 25812.807 Ω
molar mass constant 1e−3 kg·mol−1 %molarmass
molar mass constant of carbon-12 1.2e−2 kg·mol−1
standard acceleration of gravity (gee, free-fall on earth) 9.80665 m·s−2 %g
gee 9.80665 m·s−2 %gee
standard atmosphere 101325 Pa %atm
planck length 1.61619997e−35 m %plancklength
planck mass 2.1765113e−8 kg %planckmass
planck time 5.3910632e−44 s %plancktime
planck charge 1.87554595641e−18 C %planckcharge
planck temperature 1.41683385e32 K %plancktemperature