Manuals/calci/Zhelp Upload 4102007

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Upload files to a user's selected profile (Registration Required)

1. Right click on the ZSpace and click 'Upload'.

2. If the user is not logged into ZCubes, the 'Login' screen will be displayed. On successful login, the upload page will be displayed with a list of the user's profiles. Click on the upload icon next to the profile to be used for the uploaded file (s).

3. The up loader tool will be displayed in a new window. Selected the files to be uploaded in the upper frame and click on 'Add'.

4. Once the files have been added, click on 'Send' to upload the files to the ZCubes server. Once the files have been successfully loaded, a message will be displayed.

5. Click on the profile name to view a list of the file (s) uploaded to that profile.

Note 1: The user can drag and drop the links to the uploaded files on the ZSpace to create ZCubes with the link contents.
Note 2: The user can upload up to 5 files simultaneously.
Note 3: Each uploaded file cannot be bigger than 5MB in size.
Note 4: Only certain file types (e.g. media files, text files etc) can be uploaded.