Yurttas/PL/OOL/Cplusplus/F/01/01/00/02/index page

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Dr. Salih Yurttas - yurttas@zcubes.com
programming languages - design principles, implementation constructs

  1. c++ [ c with classes ] as better c

    1. quicktour of c++ as c

      1. search and/or sort

        - linearsearch | binarysearch
        [ by interactive choice of L|B using enum type
        data is either sorted or unsorted for linearsearch and sorted for binarysearch ]

        - bubblesort | insertionsort | quicksort | selectionsort
        program in multiple functions/headers and external input/output data
        [ by interactive choice of B|I|Q|S using enum type
        and yes | no by interactive choice of Y|N using enum type ]

contents << 1 >> basic facilities | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8