Yurttas/PL/OOL/Cplusplus/F/08/03/index page

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Dr. Salih Yurttas - yurttas@zcubes.com
programming languages - design principles, implementation constructs

  1. design using c++
    1. design patterns Design Patterns is not a new idea; the classical publication, which is also known as "GoF", referring to four authors was published first in 1995. Design Patterns, in short, is something to do with "Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" as the classical publication subtitle claims.Object-Oriented software development is almost, de facto, reality of large-scale software development. In 1990s, software development, from design to code implementation has been effected with new OO languages, like Java, C#, but mostly with Design Patterns, which was conceptualized and demonstrated as C++ based, in the beginning. Java APIs and especially, Swing package, also known as JFC Framework, is designed and implemented with Design Patterns in mind.In 1990s, another important new tool emerged other than languages, libraries, APIs; design patterns which has complemented any software development: UML.UML and Design Patterns are complementing software development and became a must in teaching/practicing software systems, especially, in design and conceptualization.
      1. what is a design pattern?
        1. GoF
        2. the catalog of design patterns
        3. how to select a design pattern
        4. how to use a design pattern
        5. UML
      2. creational patterns
        1. abstract factory
        2. builder
        3. factory method
        4. prototype
        5. singleton
      3. structural patterns
        1. adapter
        2. bridge
        3. composite
        4. decorator
        5. facade
        6. proxy
      4. behavioral patterns
        1. chain of responsibility
        2. command
        3. interpreter
        4. iterator
        5. observer
        6. template
        7. visitor

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | standard template library - stl << 8