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  1import java.util.*;
  3public class StraightSeeding extends Seeding {
  5    protected Vector    swimmers;
  6    protected Swimmer[] swmrs;
  7    protected int       numLanes;                      
  8    protected int[]     lanes;
  9    protected int       count;
 10    protected int       numHeats;
 12    public StraightSeeding(Vector sw, int lanes) {
 13        swimmers = sw;
 14        numLanes = lanes;
 15        count    = sw.size();
 16        calcLaneOrder();    
 17        seed();
 18    }
 19    //--------------------------------
 20    protected void seed() {
 21        //loads the swmrs array and sorts it
 22        sortUpwards();
 24        int lastHeat = count % numLanes;
 25        if (lastHeat < 3)
 26            lastHeat = 3;   //last heat must have 3 or more
 27        int lastLanes = count - lastHeat;
 28        numHeats = count / numLanes;
 29        if (lastLanes > 0)
 30            numHeats++;
 31        int heats = numHeats;
 34        //place heat and lane in each swimmer's object
 35        int j = 0;
 37        for (int i = 0; i < lastLanes; i++) {
 38            Swimmer sw = swmrs[i];
 40            sw.setLane(lanes[j++]);
 41            sw.setHeat(heats);
 42            if (j >= numLanes) {
 43                heats--;
 44                j=0;
 45            }
 46        }
 48        //Add in last partial heat
 49        if (j < numLanes)
 50            heats--;
 51        j = 0;
 52        for (int i = lastLanes-1; i<count; i++) {
 54            Swimmer sw = swmrs[i];
 55            sw.setLane(lanes[j++]);
 56            sw.setHeat(heats);     
 57        }
 58        //copy from array back into Vector
 60        swimmers = new Vector();
 61        for (int i=0; i< count; i++)
 62            swimmers.addElement(swmrs[i]);
 64    }
 65    //--------------------------------
 66    private void calcLaneOrder() {
 67        lanes = new int[numLanes];
 68        int mid = numLanes / 2;
 69        if (odd(numLanes))
 70            mid = mid + 1;       //start in middle lane
 71        int incr = 1;
 72        int ln = mid;
 73        for (int i=0; i< numLanes; i++) {
 74            lanes[i] = ln;
 76            ln = mid + incr;
 77            incr = - incr;
 78            if (incr > 0)
 79                incr=incr+1;
 80        }
 81    }
 82    //--------------------------------
 83    private boolean odd(int x) {
 84        return(((x / 2)*2) != x);
 85    }
 86    //--------------------------------
 87    protected void sortUpwards() {
 88        swmrs = new Swimmer[count];
 89        for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
 90            swmrs[i] = (Swimmer)swimmers.elementAt(i);
 91        for ( int i=0; i < count; i++) {
 92            for (int j = i; j < count; j++) {
 93                if (swmrs[i].getTime() > swmrs[j].getTime()) {
 94                    Swimmer swtemp = swmrs[i];
 95                    swmrs[i] = swmrs[j];
 96                    swmrs[j] = swtemp;
 97                }
 98            }
 99        }      
100    }
101    //--------------------------------
102    public int getCount() {
103        return swimmers.size();
104    }
106    public Enumeration getSwimmers() {
107        return swimmers.elements();    
108    }
109    //----------------------------------
110    public int getHeats() {
111        return numHeats;
112    }