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*[[ Z%5E3_Array_Manipulation_Member_Functions | Listing of Z3 Array Manipulation Member Functions]]
Each element is accumulated using SUM with each element.
Each element is accumulated by columns (for the specified columns,or all if none is specified) using SUM with each element. Initial Value of 0 is assumed.
Each element is accumulated by rows for the specified rows, or all if none is specified) using SUM with each element. Initial Value of 0 is assumed.
Same as [[Array.cumcolumns]]
Same as [[Array.cumrows]]
==Array.accumulatewith(SomeFunction, SomeStartingValue or Parameter List)==
Each element is accumulated using given function with each element, and with the starting array as first input (if given).
==Array.cumcolumnswith(SomeFunction, SomeColumns ...)==
[[Array.accumulatewith]] for each column.
==Array.cumrowswith(SomeFunction, SomeRows ...)==
[[Array.accumulatewith]] for each row
==Array.cumcolumnwith(SomeFunction, SomeStartingValue or Parameter List)==
Same as [[Array.accumulatewith]] for each column
Same as [[Array.cumrowswith]] for each column
[[Array.accumulatewith]] with function as NUMSUM

Latest revision as of 14:07, 4 March 2017