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a1=LAMBDACALCULUS( ()=>B(SIN,COS) ) a1(23) b(sin)(cos) etc? // this works a1=LAMBDACALCULUS( function () { return(B(SIN)(COS)) } ); a1(45) a1=LAMBDACALCULUS( ()=>B(SIN)(COS) ); a1(45) // easier notations λ=LAMBDACALCULUS; a1=λ(()=>B(SIN)(COS)) a1(45) // easier notations λ=LAMBDACALCULUS; a1=λ(()=>BLUEBIRD(SIN)(COS)) a1(45) // easier notations λ=LAMBDACALCULUS; a1=λ(function(){return(BLUEBIRD(SIN)(COS))}) a1(45) // easier notations λC=LAMBDACALCULUS; a1=λC(()=>BLUEBIRD(SIN)(COS)); a1(45) // actual SIN(COS(45)) SIN(COS(45deg)) Parts(1..100,20Parts(1..100,20)) [1..10].zip([11..20]) seems different from Zip([1..10],[11..20]) Shuffle(1..10) Size(1..10) Size([1..10]) Tail([1,2,3,4,4,5,5,5]) Equal(1..10,1..10) Parts(1..10,5) Pieces("test test etest seret es ",4) // strings are split and treated as arrays. should we combinatorial argumment Parts? Length(1..10) a=1..100; Length(a) a=[1..100]; Size(a) // did not work Explode([1,2,3,]) SIN((1..120)<>deg) //try aming parts function. 1..10.parts(2..5) |3,4,5,1..10|.parts(2..5) Length("t4s"#) "This is a test of the EMS"#["s"] a1="This is a test of the EMS"#[3] a1="This is a test of the EMS"#[3,2] a1="This is a test of the EMS"#[3,"s"] a1="This is a test of the EMS"#[3,/\s/] a1="This is a test of the EMS"#[3,Length] a1="This is a test of the EMS"#[3,Length@SIN] a1="This is a test of the EMS"# a1= λC( function () { //BLUEBIRD(SIN)(COS)); return(B(Parts)(Length)) } ) a1(1..100); // something along these lines. a1= λC( function () { //BLUEBIRD(SIN)(COS)); return(B(Parts)(Length)) } ) a1(1..100); B=A=1..10; B|==|A B=A=1..10; B|x==y|A MOPWITHEQ(1..10,1..10); // issues as fn returns. why the following gives true? ISLAMBDAEQUATION("LT") MOPWITHEQ(1..10,1..10); MOPWITHEQ(1..10,1..10); eq=MOPWITHEQ 𐎲 = MOPWITHEQ; 𐎲(1..10,1..10); 𓈃 = MOPWITHEQ; Σ(𓈃("RRGW"#,"RGGW"#)) 𓃌 𓃊 𓃍 𓎎 // Pointfree APL Code. 𓈃 = MOPWITHEQ; (𓈃@Σ)("RRGWRR"#,"RBBWWW"#) Length("testings fasdf asdf asd sdf") ("testings fasdf asdf asd sdf"#["s"]) ~ "testings fasdf asdf asd sdf"#[/[a-g]/] 𓈰=|3,4,[4]|; 𓈰|*|3443 λC( ()=> { // Lambda Code Here } ) a1=λC( ()=> { return(B(SIN)(COS)) } ); a1(45deg) Chunks(1..100,4)|/|45 1..100.pieces(2..3) 1..100.pieces(2..3,SUM) 1..100.pieces(2..3,[SUM,AVG]) 1..100.pieces(2..3,[SUM,AVG],0..1) 1..100.fullpieces(2..3) (Zip@(Parts.curry(2)))(1..100) // does it work? 1..100|x^2| //https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59vAjBS3yZM&t=113 ('ssf454562631426'#).buckets() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JELcdZLre3s // Composition Intuition (1..100)|+|; (1..100)|+|; SUM(1..100) 1..10|..|1..10 1..10|.|1..10 (1..100)|↧| (1..100)|↥| (1..100)|↧|; (1..100)|↥|; (1..100)|↥|50; (1..100)|<|50 (1..100)|.+|; 1..100n)|.*|; (1..100)|./|; (1..100)|.^|2; (1..100)|.==|; (1..100)|.==|(1..100); (1..100)|.==| (1..10)|.%| (1..10)|.^|null (1..10)|.^| // will use 2 so as not to break old code. (MS(9)#)|*| (1..10)#1 breaks right has to be an array or fromtoadv breaks on parsing (1..10)± a=-5..10; ∑±a; ∑±a; // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7CSK7HNEWQ a=[-2,-3,4,5,-3,4]; ∏±a; a=[-2,3,4,5,-3,4]; ∏±a; function DisplayDataHint(anyhint,SomeStayOn, KeepCaseSensitive) SomeStayOn // gives dark css for tooltip (1..10)#/3/ (1..10)#3 (1..10)# (1..10)#[3] (1..10)#[0] (1..10)#0..5 (1..10)#3..5 // now gives dates ((1..10)#"shuffle")() // should this work? (1..10)#[3,[0,1]] (1..10)#[3,[SIN,COS]] (1..10)#[SIN,COS] // important distinction. (1..10)#[SIN,COS] // calling function at first level is for *filtering* like ISNUM etc predicate function. (1..10)#[3,[SIN]] // calling function at first level is for computing. (1..10)#[3,[x=>x>4]] (1..10)#(x=>x>4) (1..10)#[3,[x=>x>4]] // here predicate function will use entire left array. (1..10)#[x=>x>4] // this is predicate application (1..10)#(x=>x>4) // straight evaluation of function. In this case will give false true masks. (1..10)#(SIN) // straight evaluation of function. (1..10)#(x=>x>4) // true false mask flags (1..10)#[x=>x>4] // filters by function as predicate (1..10)#[[x=>x>4]] // applied to entire left array. (1..10)#[[x=>x^3]] (1..10)#(x=>x^3) // note the way predicates and functions are applied intelligently based on how the arrays are loaded to do the application (1..10)#[/[3,4]/] (1..10)#[/[3,4]/] (1..10)#[/\d/] (1..10)#[/^\d$/] (1..100)#[/^\d\d$/] (1..100)#(fn:=x>34) (1..100)#([fn:=x>34]) (1..100)#(fn:=x>34) (1..100)#[[fn:=x>34]] (1..100)#/^\d\d$/ // flags of predicate or fn application on left. on each element. fn:=x+45; fn(34) #a-z stopped working. (#a-z)#/a/ (#a-z) (#a-z)#0 (#a-z)#[0,6] "abcd"# "abcd"#/c/ //split with c "abcd"#'d' "abcd"#[1,2] "abcd"#[2] "abcd"#[2,1] "abcdefghijklmnop"#[5,1] "abcdefghijklmnop"#[5,2] "abcdefghijklmnop"#[6,2] cars= { name:"lyla", age:25 }; cars#"name"; cars#["name","age"]; cars#; cars#/nam/ cars#((x,i)=>25==x) cars#((x,i)=>"lyla"==x) cars= { name:"lyla", age:25, namaste:true }; cars#((x,i)=>/nam/) // why? // reciprocal 1..100|1/x| ∏|4|# ∏|4,2,3,5,1..10|# ∏|4,2,3,5,1..10|#1 // (EQ@Σ)("RRGWRR"#,"RBBWWW"#) [1,2,3]|*|[[2],[3],[4]] 1..10@[SIN,COS,"x^2"]; 03/01/2024 // did not parse ("RRGWRR"#)|x==y|("RBBWWW"#) ("RRGWRR"#)|.==|("RBBWWW"#) // works ("RRGWRR"#)|MATRIXEQUAL|("RBBWWW"#) //new adds MS(3)|++|MS(3) (1..10)#[0] (1..10)#[1,2] (1..10)#[[1,2]] // https://thecodest.co/blog/power-of-functional-programming-in-javascript-part-2-combinators/ // combinators // function trains //eval([COS,SIN,TAN,SUM].$fnx())(45) [COS,SIN,TAN,SUM].$fnx() [COS,SIN,TAN,SUM].$fnx()(45) [COS,SIN,TAN,SUM].$atop()(45) [COS,SIN].$atop() [COS,SIN,TAN,SUM].$atop()(45) [COS,SIN,TAN,SUM].$atop()(22..45) [COS,SIN,TAN].$atop()(22..45) [SUM,[SIN,TAN]].$atop()(22..45) [[SIN,TAN],SUM].$atop()(22..45) // more like the way to operate [[SIN,TAN],SUM].$fnx()(22..45) ([[SIN,TAN],SUM].$fnx())+"" ([[SIN,TAN],SUM].$fnx())(45..90) ([[[SIN],[TAN]],SUM].$fnx())(45..90) ([[[SIN],[TAN]],SUM].$fnx())(49,39) ([[[SIN],[TAN]],SUM].$fnx())(49,34) ([[[SIN],TAN],SUM].$fnx())(49,34) ([[[SIN],TAN],SUM].$fnx())+"" ([[[SIN],TAN,[COS]],SUM].$fnx())+"" ([[[SIN],[TAN],[COS]],SUM].$fnx())+"" ([[SIN,TAN,[COS]],SUM].$fnx())+"" [DIVIDE,SUM,Length].$fork() [DIVIDE,SUM,Length].$fork()(1..100) [DIVIDE,SUM,Length].$fork()([5, 3, 2, 8, 4, 2]) $Fork([DIVIDE,Length,SUM])([2,3,4,5]) [DIVIDE,SUM,Length].$fork()([5, 3, 2, 8, 4, 2]) [SIN,COS,TAN].$sequence()(1..10) // does not have to return values. just need to run them in sequence, no array result expected. // if needed, could have a wrap functionality to fnx with an array member doing that. [SIN,COS,TAN].$pipe()(1..10) [SIN,COS,TAN].$compose()(1..10) [SIN,COS,TAN].$tap()(1..10) // done: with itself call in parallel. // (function(a){return(ITSELF(TAN(COS(SIN(a)))))}) // how to reflect ITSELF a in this. Maybe another indicator to capture and reflect? // and how do we wrap a set into an array? [SIN,COS,TAN].$tap()(10) [x=>x>4?1,x=>x>8?2,x=>x>14?3].$alternation()(10) [x=>x>4?1,x=>x>8?2,x=>x>14?3].$alternation()(10) [x=>x>4?1,x=>x>8?2,x=>x>14?3].$alternation()+"" [x=>x<4?1,x=>x<8?2,x=>x<14?3].$alternation()(10) [].$combinators() [SIN,COS].$combinators("B")(3) // display message was on editor.on handler. [SIN,COS].$combinators("B")(3) [].$combinators("I")(3) [SIN,COS].$combinators("K")(3) // gives SIN as it ignore COS etc. constant [3,43].$combinators("K") [DIVIDE,SUM,Length].$combinators("Φ")(1..10) // errors on this one. [DIVIDE,SUM].$combinators("Σ")(1..10) // not working. as a is not generating a function. [SIN,COS].$combinators("Σ")(1..10)