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MATRIXPOWER (a,b,ConsiderUnits)
- is any matrix.
- is any constant value or any matrix.
- This function shows the power value of all the corresponding entries.
- In , and are any two matrices.
- The power of a number indicating how many times we have to multiply the number.
- Power is also called Exponents or Indices.
- Here both matrices should be the same dimension.
- So it is finding the power value of first value in the first matrix to the power first value in the second matrix.
- Consider 3x3 matrices with the entries and ,i and j= 1,2,3.
- So it is calculating , , and so on.
- Suppose second matrix is less column or row values then the power value will assigned as 0.
- After calculating power value the remaining row and column values will display as 1.