

  • is the value of the distribution,
  • and are the value of the parameters
  • is the logical value like true or false.


  • This function gives the value of the Gamma Distribution.
  • The Gamma Distribution can be used in a queuing models like, the amount of rainfall accumulated in a reservoir.
  • This distribution is the Continuous Probability Distribution with two parameters   and  .
  • In  ,   is the value of the distribution,   is called shape parameter and   is the rate parameter of the distribution and   is the logical value like TRUE or FALSE.
  • If   is TRUE, then this function gives the Cumulative Distribution value and if is FALSE then it gives the Probability Density Function.
  • The gamma function is defined by :


  • It is for all complex numbers except the negative integers and zero.
  • The Probability Density Function of Gamma function using Shape, rate parameters is:

 , for

 , where   is the natural number(e = 2.71828...),   is the number of occurrences of an event, and   is the Gamma function.
  • The Standard Gamma Probability Density function is:


  • The Cumulative Distribution Function of Gamma is :

 , or

  for any positive integer  .
  • When alpha is a positive integer, then the distribution is called Erlang distribution.
  • If the shape parameter   is held fixed, the resulting one-parameter family of distributions is a natural exponential family.
  • For a positive integer  , when  ,  , and  , GAMMADIST returns (1 - CHIDIST(x)) with   degrees of freedom.
  • This function shows the result as error when
1.Any one of the argument is non numeric
2. ,   or  


See Also


Gamma Distribution