USDOLLAR (Value,Decimals)
- is the Dollar value to change.
- is the correct decimal value.
- The official currency of the United States and its territories is Dollar.
- The dollar is divided into 100 smaller cent (¢) units, but is occasionally divided into 1000 mills (₥) for accounting.
- The circulating paper money consists of Federal Reserve Notes that are denominated in United States dollars.
- Dollar is the name of more than 20 currencies, including those of Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Liberia, Namibia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States.
- Also US dollar is also the official currency of Caribbean Netherlands, East Timor, Ecuador, El Salvador, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau, Panama, and Zimbabwe.
- One dollar is generally divided into 100 cents.
- USDOLLAR(10.008,2) = $10.01
- USDOLLAR(2.5) = $2.50
- USDOLLAR(6.2315,3) = $6.232
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