Code Report Solutions

Following are some simple solutions to videos found on YouTube. Idea is to make it easier for comparing and learning z^3 and other beautiful languages.

Number of Different Integers in a String

Video: [APL Wins (vs C++, Java & Python)]

z^3 Solution

s="ad3343sadfsd343434df343443sff"; (s#/[^\d]+/)∪

Result: 3343 343434 343443

  1. splits string using the postfix regexp pattern. ∪ extracts unique from the results

// 12 Character z^3 Solution vs. 14 Character APL Solution

Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations

Video: [4 APL Solutions in 10 Minutes!]

z^3 Solution

z=["--X","X++","X++"]; // todo

Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix


z^3 Solution

x=[-2,-1,0;-1,1,3;-1,2,4]; (x⍌).findv(NEGATIVE)#

Gives answer 4

// ⍌ Flatten Array // findv Gives result of function call NEGATIVE // # Counts the result // Also note simpler z^3 Array Notation used to create the variable x (with , and ;). Usual Javascript array notations also work.