Code Report Solutions

Following are some simple solutions to videos found on YouTube. Idea is to make it easier for comparing and learning z^3 and other beautiful languages.

Number of Different Integers in a String

Video: [APL Wins (vs C++, Java & Python)]

z^3 Solution


Result: 3343 343434 343443

# splits string using the postfix regexp pattern. ∪ extracts unique from the results
12 Character z^3 Solution vs. 14 Character APL Solution

Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations

Video: [4 APL Solutions in 10 Minutes!]

z^3 Solution


Gives answer:

x	[--x,x++,x++]
0	-1	-1	0

m! makes this to a function which is evaluated using [0]@. 0 forms a single input combinatorial argument.
[0..10]@(m!) can be used to loop through a set of initial values
Interesting that this solution has far less characters than APL solution, and  can be made even shorter.

Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix

Video: [LeetCode 176 Problem 1 - Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix]

z^3 Solution


Gives answer 4

⍌ Flatten Array
.findv Gives result of function call NEGATIVE 
# Counts the result
Also note simpler z^3 Array Notation used to create the variable x (with , and ;). Usual Javascript array notations also work.

Check if a matrix is an X-Matrix (X like diagonals are filled)

Video: [APL vs BQN vs J vs Q vs NumPy vs Julia vs R - A comparison of seven different programming languages across a few different language criteria.]

z^3 Solution

m=[2 0 0 1; 0 3 1 0; 0 5 2 0; 4 0 0 2];
xm=|n| |+| |n|.reverse();

Gives answer true

m# gives length of array m. 
|n| gives n dimensional Identity Matrix, which is added using |+| to the .reverse() of same array.
|==| is used to compare this to the m, .$ is used to apply the function "x!=0?1:0"! to every element. "x!=0?1:0"! shows how a function can be created from a string with the ! operator.
Also note simpler z^3 Array Notation used to create the variable x (with , (when positive numbers alone are used, the comma is also optional) and ;). Usual Javascript array notations also work.

Sign of Product of an Array

Video: [I ❤ APL and Haskell #2 ]

z^3 Solution


Gives answer -1

∏ is Product, ± is SIGN function. APL has 3 characters it its solution (selected as the best solution in the video because of its brevity). Interesting that the solution with z^3 has even less characters, just 2.

Powerful Solution to Indexing Problem (1 character in z^3 vs 3 in APL)

Video: [Python vs 3 Character APL Solution ]

z^3 Solution


Gives answer -1

Actual logic is just # [Hash], which is an index access operator, if operated on any array. For this problem, the answer is just one character (3 to be generous). # operator is far more powerful and is polymorphic depending on the types of arguments it operators on.

Partitioning Odd and Even Numbers in an Array

Video: [Implementing C++'s std::partition in BQN ]

z^3 Solution

(a ⑂ [ISEVEN,ISODD]) ⍌

Gives answer 2 4 3 1

Fork (⑂) with an array of functions, and flatten the result. Function Array can have any number of predicates/functions.

Rearrange Array to Maximize Prefix Score

Video: [Why I Love BQN So Much! (vs Python)]

z^3 Solution

(a ⋱ ≡⧺ SUM)↥

Gives answer 6

Sort by Descending Order (⋱), followed by cumulative row SUM (≡⧺ SUM), followed by MAX (↥)