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  • represents the year.
  • is the month of the year.
  • is the date.


  • This function gives the sequential serial number for the given date.
  • Here represents the year and the argument is of one to four digits.
  • i.e.,The year is starting from 1 and there is no restriction for the argument.
  • is the month of the year and it is from 1 to 12(January to December).
  • It may be positive or negative. when we are geving with the positive value more than 12, it will get adding that number of months to the first month in the year specified. For e.g.DATE(2017,15,30) = 3/30/2018.
  • Suppose the argument is negative, it will get subtracted that number of months plus 1 from the first month in the year specified.For e.g.,DATE(2020,-5,13) = 7/13/2019.
  • is the date of the month of the year and it is from 1 to 31.
  • The date argument also with the value of positive or negative.If the date is more than the number of days in the month then the day adds that number of days to the first day in the month.For e.g DATE(2012,9,40) = 10/10/2012.
  • Suppose the argument is negative,day subtracts that number of days plus 1 from the first day in the month specified.For e.g.,DATE(2013,7,-12) = 6/18/2013.


  • DATE(99,2,1)=2/1/99
  • DATE(1600,12,31)=12/31/1600

ZOS Section

  • The syntax is to calculate DATE in ZOS is DATE(Year,Month,Date)
  • For e.g.,DATE(2013,2,14..2013,3,17)

See Also
