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MEDIANIF (Array,Condition,SumArray)

  • is the set of values.
  • is the particular condition value.


  • This function shows the median value of the given set which satisfies the given condition.
  • The ""median"" is the ""middle"" value in the list of numbers.
  • In , is the given set of values.
  • is the special condition which satisfies the median value.
  • For a set of even numbers, MEDIAN calculates the average of the two numbers that are in the middle.
  • If the array value contains numbers, they are arranged in ascending order and then median is calculated.
  • If the array value contains text, each text takes its positional value and then median is calculated.
  • Logical value TRUE is evaluated as '1' and FALSE is evaluated as '0'.
    • The cells with zero value are counted.


  1. MEDIANIF([12,87,13,10,9,13],">10") = 13
  2. MEDIANIF([12,87,13,10,9,13],"<10") = 9
  3. MEDIANIF([15,19,20,25,27,32],"<20") = 17
  4. MEDIANIF([1.001,1.1,1.02,1.06,1.005,1.08,2.3],">1.06") = 1.1

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