ZCubes/Making a Donut
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Making a Donut
This video demonstrates how to create a virtual donut using ascii characters and animate the donut. The existing code in JavaScript is taken to ZCubes and with little changes, the code runs in Z and the donut is rendered on ZCubes canvas.
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ZCubes Code
function Anims() { //var wX=ZCx(""); var dx= ZDivx(600,600) .prop("id","d") .css( { "white-space":"pre", "font-family":"monospace" } ); var cx= ZCanvasx(600,600) .prop("id","canvasdonut"); //ZContentx(wx) //.append(dx) //ZContentx(wx) //.append(cx) //ZC(dx) //ZC(cx) var pretag = dx.get(0); var canvastag = cx.get(0); var tmr1 = undefined, tmr2 = undefined; var A=1, B=1; // This is copied, pasted, reformatted, and ported directly from my original // donut.c code var asciiframe=function() { var b=[]; var z=[]; A += 0.07; B += 0.03; var cA=Math.cos(A), sA=Math.sin(A), cB=Math.cos(B), sB=Math.sin(B); for(var k=0;k<1760;k++) { b[k]=k%80 == 79 ? "\n" : " "; z[k]=0; } for(var j=0;j<6.28;j+=0.07) { // j <=> theta var ct=Math.cos(j),st=Math.sin(j); for(i=0;i<6.28;i+=0.02) { // i <=> phi var sp=Math.sin(i),cp=Math.cos(i), h=ct+2, // R1 + R2*cos(theta) D=1/(sp*h*sA+st*cA+5), // this is 1/z t=sp*h*cA-st*sA; // this is a clever factoring of some of the terms in x' and y' var x=0|||(40+30*D*(cp*h*cB-t*sB)), y=0|||(12+15*D*(cp*h*sB+t*cB)), o=x+80*y, N=0|||(8*((st*sA-sp*ct*cA)*cB-sp*ct*sA-st*cA-cp*ct*sB)); if(y<22 && y>=0 && x>=0 && x<79 && D>z[o]) { z[o]=D; b[o]=".,-~:;=!*#$@"[N>0?N:0]; } } } pretag.innerHTML = b.join(""); }; anim1 = function() { if(tmr1 === undefined) { tmr1 = setInterval(asciiframe, 50); } else { clearInterval(tmr1); tmr1 = undefined; } }; // This is a reimplementation according to my math derivation on the page var R1 = 1; var R2 = 2; var K1 = 150; var K2 = 5; var canvasframe=function() { var ctx = canvastag.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle='#000'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); if(tmr1 === undefined) { // only update A and B if the first animation isn't doing it already A += 0.07; B += 0.03; } // precompute cosines and sines of A, B, theta, phi, same as before var cA=Math.cos(A), sA=Math.sin(A), cB=Math.cos(B), sB=Math.sin(B); for(var j=0;j<6.28;j+=0.3) { // j <=> theta var ct=Math.cos(j),st=Math.sin(j); // cosine theta, sine theta for(i=0;i<6.28;i+=0.1) { // i <=> phi var sp=Math.sin(i),cp=Math.cos(i); // cosine phi, sine phi var ox = R2 + R1*ct, // object x, y = (R2,0,0) + (R1 cos theta, R1 sin theta, 0) oy = R1*st; var x = ox*(cB*cp + sA*sB*sp) - oy*cA*sB; // final 3D x coordinate var y = ox*(sB*cp - sA*cB*sp) + oy*cA*cB; // final 3D y var ooz = 1/(K2 + cA*ox*sp + sA*oy); // one over z var xp=(150+K1*ooz*x); // x' = screen space coordinate, translated and scaled to fit our 320x240 canvas element var yp=(120-K1*ooz*y); // y' (it's negative here because in our output, positive y goes down but in our 3D space, positive y goes up) // luminance, scaled back to 0 to 1 var L=0.7*(cp*ct*sB - cA*ct*sp - sA*st + cB*(cA*st - ct*sA*sp)); if(L > 0) { ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+L+')'; ctx.fillRect(xp, yp, 1.5, 1.5); } } } } anim2 = function() { if(tmr2 === undefined) { tmr2 = setInterval(canvasframe, 50); } else { clearInterval(tmr2); tmr2 = undefined; } }; asciiframe(); canvasframe(); anim1() anim2() } Anims()
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