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  • is the number of items.
  • is the number of items in each arrangement.


  • This function gives the combination of N objects.
  • i.e. An arrangement of R objects without any repetition, selected from N different objects is called a combination of N objects taken R at a time.
  • Also if the order is not a matter, it is a Combination.
  • If order is a matter it is a Permutation.
  • A combination is denoted by nCr or .
  • A formula for the number of possible combinations of R objects from a set of N objects is Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \binom{n}{r}=\frac{\fact{n}}{\frac{r}\frac{n-r}}} (n r)=n!/r!(n-r)!, where n!=1*2*3*...*n& r<=n.
  • This function will give the result is Error when
  • 1.The N&R are non numeric
  • 2.The N&R<0 or N<R
  • When we are giving the N&R values in decimals ,it will convert in to Integers.
  • For e.g.
    • COMBIN(5.4,2)=10 is equivalent to COMBIN(5,2)
    • COMBIN(5,-2)=NAN, because R is negative.


COMBIN(12,3) 12 3 220
COMBIN(4,4) 4 4 1
COMBIN(4,0) 4 0 1

See Also


Complex Numbers