InGridApp/Create Photo Display Wall

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How to do Creative Photo Display

Let us examine how to create a photo display wall like the hall of fame shown here.

Hall of fame.PNG


  1. Draw a rectangle by selecting the rectangle shape icon. Rectangle_2.png
  2. Press the fill color icon and change the fill color. Fill-color_2.png
  3. Select rectangular photo frame. rectangular-picture-frame.png Draw the rectangle. It prompts for a photo. Select a photo.
  4. Select round frame. circular-picture-frame.png Draw the round frame. Select the photo to be placed within. Change the stroke color of the frame, if needed by selecting the stroke icon.Stroke-color 2.png
  5. Select another frame and select a photo. rectangular-picture-frame.png
  6. Select box text icon Textbox_2.png . Write text. Place the rectangle in whatever position you like.
  7. Press save icon to save it to device. Save 2.png


This video demonstrates how to create a photo display wall.

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