ZCubes/100% Stacked Column

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<<ZCubes Graphs

100% Stacked Column Graph

100% Stacked column graph displays the relative percentage of multiple data values, and cumulative total of stacked columns always equals to 100%. This type of graph is used to show the part-to-whole proportions of data over time.

Input Range:

Consider SIN values from numbers 1 to 10.


Number SIN
1 0.8414709848078965
2 0.9092974268256817
3 0.1411200080598672
4 -0.7568024953079282
5 -0.9589242746631385
6 -0.27941549819892586
7 0.6569865987187891
8 0.9893582466233818
9 0.4121184852417566
10 -0.5440211108893698

Graphical Output: 100percent stacked column graph.png

See Also:

Column Line

Clustered Column

Stacked Column

Horizontal Column